Monday, July 29, 2019

iQ vpn finder - A new vpn engine app that will make you ultra fast and secure

This is a FREE internet privacy and security VPN app engine that unblocks websites and apps also lets you browse anonymously and privately.
Here are the key features of IQ -VPN finder
Auto VPN Finder Features
• Grants unlimited fast VPN connectivity
• Vpn engine that automatically connect to the closest server
• worldwide servers
• Ensures a secure internet connection
• Bypasses GEO restrictions
• No settings required, one-click application
• The fastest VPN finder app
• Offers unlimited bandwidth and speed
• Has a built-in junk cleaner & RAM optimizer
• Enhances phone’s performance
• Allows you to customize the app’s background
• Features a media player, spy call recorder
• Offers GSM locator to show the proper direction
Get An Ultra-Fast & High Secure Internet
If you want to secure internet connection through the fastest VPN you can try out our app. An absolutely Free auto VPN detection app is at your service. Stay Safe & Happy Browsing.
You can actually download the app here - IQ VPN

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

All you need to know about Air Plants

An airplant is a tropical plant that does not need soil. It absorbs its nutrients from the surrounding air, hence the name. Do air plants need sun? Yes, they direly need it to bloom and look healthy. Airplants have an almost mystical quality. They don’t live by the same rules as other plants. They each have their own personality with unique leave shapes and colors. Their presence brightens the ora of any room. They are also easy to take care of.

How Long Do Air Plants Live?
Just make sure they get plenty of sun and a spritzing of water every week or two.

Air plants are MAGICAL because they do not require soil to grow, only moderate light and a good soak every week. Also know as Tillandsia, part of the Bromeliad family. Bromeliads are the symbol for “Welcome” in the hospitality industry.
Plants are excellent feng shui for a home or office because they bring vibrant Chi, or energy nourishment into one’s space. The front door of a house is called “the mouth of Chi.” When your house has good Chi coming in, you experience more good health, abundance, prosperity, love, and light.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

We need to Invest in Our Planet, Not in Plastics

I recently came across a platform called Bambooco.
Bambooco, an online store, blog and community promoting zero waste, ecology and healthy lifestyle.
They have this awesome write up on why we need to Invest in our plant, not in plastics
I hope you enjoy the reading.