Friday, November 22, 2019

Bushfire Australia 2019

What are bushfires

Have you been trying to find out what are bushfires? Well, the name bushfire is used to describe fires that are in areas of bushland.
People in general tend to use the term ‘bushfires’ to describe fires in all types of vegetation, however to be specific, fires in grass areas are called grass fires and scrub areas are called scrub fires.

what are bushfires

what are bushfires – typical bushland area
To answer the question ‘what are bushfires?’ you also need to know what the term ‘bush’ actually means. The term ‘bushland areas’ or ‘bush’ is a way to describe native forest in Australia.
In the United States, Canada, Central America, Southern America, Asia and Europe, they refer to bushfires as forest fires. These are the same type of fires that Australians would call bushfires.
Australia is not alone in calling such fires bushfires, Africa also tend to refer to fires in forested areas as bushfires and in the United Kingdom they also refer to the term bushfires in some occasions.
The term brushfire is also used in the United States as a way to describe fires that Australians would call scrub fires. Scrub or brush areas are made up of low lying bushes, usually knee to head height, sometimes higher that are in close proximity to each other, such areas also lack trees in a significant number.
What are bushfires – Australian bushfire 2019
Bushfires cause significant damage in Australia every year, homeowners are encouraged by fire services to prepare their home for the bushfire risk every summer. Sadly, every year people lose their homes in Australia and around the world to bushfires.
Fire agencies around the world are starting to focus again on burn offs as a way to reduce fuel loads in forested areas.
There are many things that people can do to protect their home from bushfires, from simply cleaning out their gutters to installing bushfire sprinkler systems.

Monday, November 18, 2019

You need Fire to Become a Professional Speaker

Do you want to learn how to be on fire as a speaker and become a professional speaker? I like to Burn candles. You’ll be amazed at what candles can do! Candles create such atmosphere and beauty instantly. These little flickering flames can change my mood.We have a picnic table on our back patio where, on many evenings, Tanya and I relax, play cards, and listen to Pavarotti. We watch the radiant California sun setting in the distance. And you can bet on it – the candles are burning! I travel a lot, as you may have guessed. Even on the road, some candles and nice music can turn even the most drab hotel room into a glowing retreat center. 
You can gaze at a candle and see it as a metaphor for your own “life torch.” A candle is luminous only when it’s burning…and so are you. When you become a professional speaker you have the royal opportunity to light a flame in a audience each time a speak. As a professional speaker I get to bring some truth and light up new thoughts and possibilities for the company when I stand to the microphone.
 I’m humbled by this thought and everyone who’s thinking of becoming a professional speaker should consider it sacred. For me as a professional speaker the Adam Christing blog about 20 Great Quotes To Help You Deliver A Killer Speech helped me a lot.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Organic CBD Oil and It's Benefits

What is cannabidiol (CBD) oil

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a natural, non-psychoactive concentrate extracted from the stalk and seed of high CBD and low THC hemp.  CBD is non-psychotropic and therefore doesn’t cause a euphoric high.  Pure CBD oil is packed to offer wide range of optimum natural therapeutic benefits.
Specialized extraction processes and techniques are used to obtain concentrated, pure and organic CBD oil that also consists of several nutrients such as vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, terpenes, chlorophyll and other Phyto cannabinoids.
CBD hemp oil is a rapidly growing industry and there have been great advances in the product development of pure and organic CBD oil.  These have led to the availability of several types of CBD hemp oil products ranging from CBD vape oil, CBD e-liquid, CBD capsules, organic CBD oil drops and much more.

Why CBD over THC

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is found naturally in hemp.  THC is strongly psychoactive and because of its ability to alter your behavior and lose control of what you do, it is a popular drug.
However, CBD from hemp has only trace amounts of THC and is almost completely free of any psychoactive effects while still being abundant in health benefits.

How does CBD oil work and its benefits

CBD oil is known to have significant healing properties with a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is known to work well against anxiety, ulcers, insomnia, neuropathic pain just to name a few.  The medical uses of CBD hemp oil are numerous.
CBD from hemp helps alleviate a wide range of pains and physical discomforts through its anti-inflammatory effects. It helps calm down anxiety and stress in people as well as reduce the incidences of vomiting and nausea.  Through its anti-convulsant properties it is known to help effectively treat seizures as well.
Cannabinoids like CBD are known to work by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, a complex system that contributes to a variety of biological processes like inflammation responses, relaxation, sleeping and appetite.  By linking with the two main types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, which are found on cells throughout the body, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, helping it in the regulation of homeostasis — the body’s natural state of balance.
However, unlike other cannabinoids the cannabidiol (CBD) interacts very mildly with the cannabinoids receptors on their own.  They simply work by stopping the effects of whatever makes the receptors work and function less effectively or help other cannabinoids be absorbed better.

You can buy pure extract of CBD nectar on Nectar CBD