Monday, November 2, 2020

Caring for Your Skin by


Smooth and healthy skin is one of the most sought after physical conditions in the cosmetic world. Efforts to attain and keep healthy skin can be commenced and maintained in your everyday life. Four basic and easy to follow tips for skincare that require limited time and money are as follows:


Consuming fresh fruit and vegetables is an essential and easy way to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy. Many fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, nutritional fibres and vitamins that are necessary for maintaining the effectiveness of the skin’s natural rejuvenation processes. Antioxidants in particular, function as a shield to in intrusive ‘free radicals’ that stand to damage the surface condition of the skin. A few examples of natural foods with high levels of vitamin A, C and E are: spinach, broccoli, cranberries, carrots, oranges, tomatoes, apricots, pomegranates, green tea, and soy. The fibrous components of fruits and vegetables are some of the most effective natural ingredients known to improve the digestive system and, in turn, the production and maintenance of healthy and radiant skin.

Liquid Consumption

The liquids that we consume are ultimately reflected on our exterior – that is the surface of the epidermis. It is important to maintain an awareness of the kinds and amounts of colour additives, preservatives, caffeine and other such ingredients that you are consuming in the liquids that you drink. The most effective way to assist the digestive system and skin in purifying themselves of unhealthy ingredients is to consume plenty of water. By drinking the recommended daily intake of water, the skin is facilitated in its own process of keeping itself fresh and hydrated.


We all know that exercise is good for the body’s health, but many people struggle to exercise regularly.

15-30 minutes of daily exercise, which can be as simple as a walk around the block, is enough to facilitate the body’s circulation of blood, which in turn positively impacts on the skin’s surface appearance. Alcohol consumption and smoking are detrimental to skin health, especially when consumed in excess. When both of these habits are engaged in regularly, the skin not only becomes dry and dull, but any acquired skin damage is potentially worsened and made more permanent.

SkinCare Treatment

Skin care refers to the treatment of the skin’s outer layers. It should be conducted as a daily and basic skin treatment regime, usually consisting of a three-step process.

  1. Cleansing and washing the face, 2-3 times a day to remove any cosmetics and manage clogged pores.
  2. Exfoliation treatments in order to remove dead or dying skin cells and assist in rejuvenation (usually done weekly).
  3. Moisturising the skin (best done after bathing) so as to maintain adequate hydration levels and prevent dryness.

It is advised that when engaging in outdoor activities, a broad-spectrum SPF15+ (or higher) sunscreen be used so as to protect against sun damage, even if undergoing additional skin care treatment.

These four steps are relatively simple to follow, and are best introduced as regular habits from adolescence. If skin care problems arise and persist despite consistent and disciplined skin care treatment, it is recommended that you seek the advice of a skin care specialist so as to ensure effective and individualised treatment for your skin.

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