Saturday, April 10, 2021

We're different — Psychic School with Riz Mirza

 Psychic School has pre-recorded video Psychic School series with Riz Mirza. Understand mystics, ghosts, paranormal, spiritual, tarot, reiki, metaphysical, spirit, angels, pendulum, creator, dimension and psychic abilities. Tarot and Psychic readings are finally here!

Your Psychic abilities are a gift from god, creator, the universe, source, how ever you think.  We are open and accepting to ALL religious beliefs and traditions.  Other PsychicSpiritual and Metaphysical schools charge you high monthly fees.  We do not.

Why are we doing things this way?  Because we want to help you open up and develop your abilities.  We only want to cover the costs of running the school.  All our teachers as well as our administrator, Riz Mirza, are volunteering their talents and services to help you.

You have nothing to lose!  And so much more to gain!  As Psychic Awakening School, we can help  you to open up  your Psychic Abilities.  Everyone has Psychic Abilities to some extent.   Some people are natural Tarot Readers, Rune Readers, Intuitive Readers.  

A journey begins with a single step . . . so take that first step and check us out!

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